in search of the truth...


Letters to a friend...-

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Coming back to life!!!

Almost shot off a draft of this that day to Prof. Chakraborty, wonder what would have happended then :-)


...we reject tyranny and wrong at every stage, now what is tyranny or what is wrong, isn't it authority without reason; isn't it an action for which you do not know the explanation, hence you regard it as wrong; or isn't it an action for which you have a different explanation.

I reject the law of cause and effect. Because being limited by any law makes me a machine and I shall not accept being a machine. Working industriously and practicing day and night, anybody would do well. But what has he done? He has given another proof of his being an obedient machine, an obedient servant of the law. And look around, you will find all these doctrines and philosophies that even rationalize this pernicious attitude. Seers keep saying that we must work without expecting the result. And what does it express? A rationalizing of something which we have foolishly assumed we cannot change. Anyway, since I do not have control over the result, I create a philosophy to keep me happy with putting in the effort - doesn't it sound similar to the intelligent tricks used by the Westerners to justify slavery to their countrymen.

What I do not understand in people is simply this. Most seem to have an ego and prestige, and rightly so, and feel hurt and rebel when it is rubbed the wrong way. Now in case of these so-called LAWS of nature, these same men and women voluntarily accept being a machine, in fact being a machine is glorified. Just because everything is subtle and invisible, people seem to either not understand or voluntarily stay oblivious.

Isn't this what you call living, like Pavlov's dog experiment or any other lab experiment involving rats. You shall be provided food only if you jump three times and I ring the bell. You shall succeed in the test only if you work hard day and night. Don't these two sermons sound the same? And will you give credit to the dog that jumps three times or to another which can boldly reject these foolish tricks. The same is the case with all of us, this is how we've all been brought up and conditioned, and it is these qualities of dumb machines, which we praise and want to cultivate. We're worse off than those dogs in the experiments probably.

And this is where I reject the so-called great men. You meditate or practice and realize something, but that is again following THE LAW, being a super machine. After meditating and practicing for years probably you become a perfect machine capable of being deluded into believing anything which is indoctrinated into you for years.The same effect can be obtained by drugs. But we intelligent humans reject drugs as bad for health and praise this voluntary meditational or practice induced drugging. If it was truth that they realized, it would happen at once, then and there, and would not require the delusion of years of practice.

Am I a beggar to wait for the understanding for years till THE LAW decides I have worked hard enough to deserve it? And what would you do if forced to live in a company of baboons and monkeys. Suppose the law of that particular jungle said, the more baboon like you behave, the better chance you have of becoming the baboon king. Would you then become a super baboon so as to change the baboon society when you became king? Would you have the moral authority to ask people to change the same clauses that you have cleverly manipulated to rise? You cannot change the society unless you have the position; but if and only if I can rise without using any of the devices which I shall in the future reject, can such a rise be accepted.

And now again, all these conclusions are based on certain assumptions and premises of the world around me, if these assumptions were to change then, in effect, many of the conclusions would change too. Thus it is necessary to be doubly sure of these assumptions. Hence my interest in studying various subjects and fields from sociology to quantum physics and my frequent digressions, perceived sometimes as volatile aspirations. I am always looking for something specific in a specific subject and I neither have the time nor energy for these titled courses or grades at which super-machines excel.

All of us need to change, the faster we change the better it is till we find our goal. I do not claim to have found the truth, hence I am moving as fast as I can, nor have most of the 6+ billion men and women, thus they too need to change, if only they realise it. All that I claim to comprehend are some basic fallacies in the way we are, which we all need to undertand and if convinced, immediately reject.


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